Hello world! I'm a fiber artist who is new to blogging. I look forward to sharing my thoughts and struggles as I begin my full fledged artistic career. I've just retired from teaching dance to little ones and now have lots of time for ME! I've been on the QuiltArt list again for about 3 months and find that almost every artist has a blog so now...so do I.
I've been a wife, mother of two great kids, dance teacher, and seamstress for 26 years and look forward to having the time to create any time I want without interuption. I might go mad without the schedule I'm used too, but then I can always get a "real" job if I'm bored. HA HA
I love to dye fabric, collect antiques and make anything out of fiber and fabric. I'm not sure what my style is yet really except I'm not a "quarter inch lady" as my mother used to call them. You know the ones who are so busy measuring the 1/4 inch that they miss the fun of the experience. I'm not a fanatic about perfection but I do try to be a good craftsman. My style is more contemporary and bright with art deco, danish modern influences.
I'm inspired by Erte, Mary Englebreit, and Michael Hogue and many others.