Wow the weeks just seem to fly by. I finally have taken the time to post again. Penguins are coming, slowly. They each take about 3 1/2 hours from cutting to sewing so they are taking a large amount of time.
Pics are done for the balance of my work to date. There are two others but I do not have photos. One is in my dear daughter's home and one was a raffle prize for the local Catholic school fund raiser. I await any and all comments!
Made in 1995, old flannel shirts Made in 1996 during a stay in the Poconos, quilted with a gymnast on the rings in the center, Owned by my son, Gable,a former gymnast Made in 1997 from an original oil painting by my great grandmother using the snippets method.
The Young Americans' penguin costumes have taken over the sewing room. The first ten are sent and I've cut 5 more...only 55 more to go...then to sew them.
Took a day off from penguins and worked on the family set of "penny rugs". I use this term loosly as they are really not penny rugs at all in the traditional sense. I was inspired by the work of Jane Sassaman and my the style of Mary Engelbreit. I love black grounds with bright colots and had always wanted to work with wool. I thrifted alot of wool clothes, and used up wool from my stash. Koolaid dyed and felted they are "sew" much fun. I really enjoyed getting to use all those embroidery stitches I learned in high school again. Needle felting them is getting tedious and so today I went to the local Bernina dealer to check out the attachment and found that it only works on new just had to check out the new machines.
The new 730 is so nice and I've never had a new machine....several wonderful bernina's over the years ..all of which I still have or have handed down to my daughter....maybe it's my turn to get the whole ball of wax...they will throw in an embellisher in the deal...won't clog up the new bobbin case of the 730. Will post pics tomorrow!
Always wanted a nickname, but Rhonda really doesn't have a short version so my daughter gave me this one and it stuck!
Of course there is always the Beach me!