Monday, April 7, 2008

Cleaning, Purging and Great Additions

Cleaning is a Spring Thing right....well if I kept cleaning until next spring, I might be finished.  At least now I can work in the studio without tripping over boxes or trays of sorted fabric.  I have taken over my son's old room too for sorting...husband says he better watch out or I'll take him to the Goodwill with the rest of the old stuff.

Hopefully will begin listing some of the de-stash this week on 
Quiltsy and etsy.  I have enough fabric for three lifetimes of art.  Quite literally.  My stash has grown with the addition of my Grandmother's and my mother's stashes.  There really is no room for making anything until I finish the sorting and purging.  Sorting almost done, purging to begin!  

I'm so happy to report also that my son has made the leap and is engaged to his only love, Jamie.  They are so excited.  I am happy for them.  They really do make a great pair and are planning a New Years Eve wedding in 2009 turning 2010.  Long engagements are all the rage again so they really have time to plan well.  

Gable graduates from UNL in May and Jamie will begin her rotations in Pharmacy in June so real wedding planning will begin the following May.  I'm tickled for them!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Artdoll Quilt Challenge and Green Postcard Challenge

All my challenges are currently completed!  YEH!  and early too.  Can't believe it.  

Even made Art@Mail postcards and got them mailed this last weekend.  Also spent yesterday cleaning the studio and made some heart felt decisions to sell some of the many books on art, sewing, quilting, knitting that I've acquired over the years. Some were my Mom's and Grandma's and some are early purchases of mine when I started quilting again in the early 80's.  WOW how tastes change or is it growth. What I thought I loved many years ago hardly captures my interest now. 

Many artists on one of my internet groups have been discussing moving on from a particular group or moving to a particular group, I think that I really just want to connect with other artists.  I want to hear their struggles and see if mine measure up in some way.  Does this make me an artist too...etc.  Everyone that knows me always compliments my work.  Does this make me an I really have to "be " an artist to make art?  
Someone recently suggested that we use timers to give direction to an otherwise directionless day.  Mine is going off....