Tuesday, February 22, 2011

NE² Show

Sneak Peek

We have a show scheduled for July at the Jewish Community Center in Omaha.  OUR First show with the Nebraska Studio Art Quilt Associates group.  There are nine artists with three pieces each.  Each piece is based on the theme "Nebraska Squared" (Nebraska inspired pieces in a square format.   Size restrictions of 1 x 1, 2 x 2, and 3 x 3)  I missed the show and tell in November but saw the previews of some of the work last fall and know that this is an exciting show.

We have a member of our group that is a well known and respected artist.  She is "hand holding" the rest of us as we have never shown before.  I plan to watch her like a hawk and absorb all that I can.  We are readying our pieces for hanging now.   We will use aluminum slats in the sleeves to hang the show.  Our mentor assures us this is a great method.  Sturdy and light weight.

I am making the gallery cards.  I have approached a local gallery for our exhibit as well as the Museum of Nebraska Art in Kearney, NE to host us...we shall see.  The local gallery is in for next fall.  More info as it becomes available.

I have already learned a lot from this group of like minded ladies even if I must travel to Omaha to take part.  It's only 2 hours...if I drive fast!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

think thursday

Thoughts become things!!!

Okay, this is easy isn't it.  If we think good things...good things will happen.  I suppose the converse is also true.  If we "think" good art or design, will the product be good?  I'm not sure but I hope this is true.

I have studied art history, design, textiles, color theory...all good things for an artist.  Now I must stop thinking about art and actually MAKE art.  We will see if it's good, later.

Fear of making bad art seems to get in the way of just making art.  I have stacks of almosts,   maybe if I..'s, 
and otherwise questionable pieces.  They scare the bejesus out of me.  Will it all be that bad???
When I get the right thing going will I know.  Most of the good pieces that I have made are gone...sold, given away or "waiting" to be seen by this show or that show.  I can't seem to get them all together in one
place to see what makes them mine.

A post on QuiltArt today from a "real" artist reminded us "wanna be's" to look deeper into what works and what doesn't and then do more of what works.  Seems simple; good advice often is.